Ground Up Collective  


Ground Up Collective is a non-profit organisation established in 2023. We are a small emerging organisation which works with volunteers and in collaboration with other non-governmental organisations with similar missions.  We apply a gender transformative and intersectional approach focusing on building agency and reslience.


Our Mission

Our mission is to prevent violence and provide spaces for healing and transformation.  


Our Focus

Our focus is on addressing the drivers of violence and  inequality at the individual, community and societal levels.  In this way, we believe we can heal, empower and transform ourselves, our relationships, our communities and our society. Our services focus on supporting survivors of injustice; prevention programmes working with at-risk groups, and building capacities of groups and organisations seeking to bring about social change and transformation. 


Our Work

Our programmes focus on:

  • Empowering women and girls;

  • Eradicating gender-based violence and inequality;

  • Tackling toxic masculinities; 

  • Building spaces for healing transformation, inclusion and belonging; and

  • Capacity building interventions for other service providers

  • Tailored interventions according to the needs of participants.


We currently provide the following interventions:

  • Healing and empowerment programmes applying a trauma informed approach and integrated methdologies for communities and vulnerable groups including: children, women, youth, men and LGBTIQ+ communities.; and ex offenders.

  • Organisational strengthening interventions for non governmental organisations- including strategic planning and organisational development, and developing monitoring and evaluations frameworks.

  • Trauma informed restorative justice workshops with juveniles at Pollsmoor prison - focusing on healing, addressing toxic masculinity and building capacities for personal transformation

  • Trauma Debriefing and Staff Wellness

  • Training: in basic counselling and emotional containment skills for frontline staff.

  • 'Conscious facilitation' training (applying non-patriachal and decolonised approaches when sharing knowledge, building capacity and restoring agency).